
UMX VM implementation (ifcfc '06)
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commit 65dfe3f0a7339cc0be4da92e771b7c5c64fdd550
parent 6152775d2877693d01df74db611c8203a1829473
Author: bsandro <>
Date:   Sun,  9 Jan 2022 22:40:05 +0200

fixed file path to not have semicolon

Mmain.c | 4++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/main.c b/main.c @@ -1 +1 @@ -#pragma gcc_extensions on #include <stdio.h>#include <assert.h>#include <stdint.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#define FILENAME ""#define PLATTER_SIZE 4struct array_t { uint32_t *data; size_t size;};struct arena_t { struct array_t *arrays; uint32_t size;};struct state_t { struct arena_t arena; uint32_t registers[8];};enum opcode_t { CMOV = 0, ARRI = 1, ARRA = 2, ADD = 3, MUL = 4, DIV = 5, NOTA = 6, HALT = 7, ALLO = 8, ABAN = 9, OUTP = 10, INP = 11, LOAD = 12, ORTH = 13};struct instruction_t { enum opcode_t opcode; uint8_t reg_a, reg_b, reg_c; uint32_t value;};char * int2bin(uint32_t num);void print_instruction(struct instruction_t instruction);void exec_instruction(struct state_t *state, struct instruction_t in);uint32_t array_add(struct arena_t *arena, uint32_t size);int main(void){ FILE *f = fopen(FILENAME, "r"); uint32_t finger = 0; struct stat fileinfo; size_t read_platters = 0; struct state_t state = {0}; state.arena.arrays = NULL; state.arena.size = 0; assert(f != NULL); stat(FILENAME, &fileinfo); assert(fileinfo.st_size % PLATTER_SIZE == 0); printf("%s (%lu bytes):\n", FILENAME, fileinfo.st_size); array_add(&state.arena, fileinfo.st_size); // Initial array #0 read_platters = fread(state.arena.arrays[0].data, PLATTER_SIZE, fileinfo.st_size / PLATTER_SIZE, f); assert(fileinfo.st_size == read_platters * PLATTER_SIZE); printf("read ok, %lu platters (%lu bytes)\n", read_platters, state.arena.arrays[0].size); while (1) { uint32_t platter; struct instruction_t instruction = {0}; platter = state.arena.arrays[0].data[finger]; instruction.opcode = platter >> 28; if (instruction.opcode == ORTH) { instruction.reg_a = ((platter >> 25) & 7); instruction.value = platter & 0x1FFFFFF; } else { instruction.reg_a = (platter & 448) >> 6; // mask 111 000 000 = 448 instruction.reg_b = (platter & 56) >> 3; // mask 000 111 000 = 56 instruction.reg_c = platter & 7; // mask 000 000 111 = 7 } print_instruction(instruction); exec_instruction(&state, instruction); finger++; if (finger >= state.arena.arrays[0].size / PLATTER_SIZE) { break; } } fclose(f); //getchar(); // in case SIOUX starts closing the window after exec again return 0;}char * int2bin(uint32_t num) { static char str[33] = {'\0'}; int cnt = 0; uint32_t i; for (i = 1 << 31; i > 0; i >>= 1) { str[cnt++] = ((num & i) == i) ? '1' : '0'; assert(cnt < 34); } str[32] = '\0'; return str;}void print_instruction(struct instruction_t instruction) { printf("%2d: A:%d B:%d C:%d\n value:%lu", instruction.opcode, instruction.reg_a, instruction.reg_b, instruction.reg_c, instruction.value);}void exec_instruction(struct state_t *state, struct instruction_t in) { }uint32_t array_add(struct arena_t *arena, uint32_t size) { uint32_t array_index = arena->size++; assert(size != NULL); arena->arrays = (struct array_t *)realloc(arena->arrays, arena->size * sizeof(struct array_t)); arena->arrays[array_index].data = (uint32_t *)malloc(size); arena->arrays[array_index].size = size; assert(arena->arrays[array_index].data != NULL); return array_index;} -\ No newline at end of file +#pragma gcc_extensions on #include <stdio.h>#include <assert.h>#include <stdint.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#define FILENAME ""#define PLATTER_SIZE 4struct array_t { uint32_t *data; size_t size;};struct arena_t { struct array_t *arrays; uint32_t size;};struct state_t { struct arena_t arena; uint32_t registers[8];};enum opcode_t { CMOV = 0, ARRI = 1, ARRA = 2, ADD = 3, MUL = 4, DIV = 5, NOTA = 6, HALT = 7, ALLO = 8, ABAN = 9, OUTP = 10, INP = 11, LOAD = 12, ORTH = 13};struct instruction_t { enum opcode_t opcode; uint8_t reg_a, reg_b, reg_c; uint32_t value;};char * int2bin(uint32_t num);void print_instruction(struct instruction_t instruction);void exec_instruction(struct state_t *state, struct instruction_t in);uint32_t array_add(struct arena_t *arena, uint32_t size);int main(void){ FILE *f = fopen(FILENAME, "r"); uint32_t finger = 0; struct stat fileinfo; size_t read_platters = 0; struct state_t state = {0}; state.arena.arrays = NULL; state.arena.size = 0; assert(f != NULL); stat(FILENAME, &fileinfo); assert(fileinfo.st_size % PLATTER_SIZE == 0); printf("%s (%lu bytes):\n", FILENAME, fileinfo.st_size); array_add(&state.arena, fileinfo.st_size); // Initial array #0 read_platters = fread(state.arena.arrays[0].data, PLATTER_SIZE, fileinfo.st_size / PLATTER_SIZE, f); assert(fileinfo.st_size == read_platters * PLATTER_SIZE); printf("read ok, %lu platters (%lu bytes)\n", read_platters, state.arena.arrays[0].size); while (1) { uint32_t platter; struct instruction_t instruction = {0}; platter = state.arena.arrays[0].data[finger]; instruction.opcode = platter >> 28; if (instruction.opcode == ORTH) { instruction.reg_a = ((platter >> 25) & 7); instruction.value = platter & 0x1FFFFFF; } else { instruction.reg_a = (platter & 448) >> 6; // mask 111 000 000 = 448 instruction.reg_b = (platter & 56) >> 3; // mask 000 111 000 = 56 instruction.reg_c = platter & 7; // mask 000 000 111 = 7 } print_instruction(instruction); exec_instruction(&state, instruction); finger++; if (finger >= state.arena.arrays[0].size / PLATTER_SIZE) { break; } } fclose(f); //getchar(); // in case SIOUX starts closing the window after exec again return 0;}char * int2bin(uint32_t num) { static char str[33] = {'\0'}; int cnt = 0; uint32_t i; for (i = 1 << 31; i > 0; i >>= 1) { str[cnt++] = ((num & i) == i) ? '1' : '0'; assert(cnt < 34); } str[32] = '\0'; return str;}void print_instruction(struct instruction_t instruction) { printf("%2d: A:%d B:%d C:%d value:%lu\n", instruction.opcode, instruction.reg_a, instruction.reg_b, instruction.reg_c, instruction.value);}void exec_instruction(struct state_t *state, struct instruction_t in) { (void)state; (void)in;}uint32_t array_add(struct arena_t *arena, uint32_t size) { uint32_t array_index = arena->size++; assert(size != NULL); arena->arrays = (struct array_t *)realloc(arena->arrays, arena->size * sizeof(struct array_t)); arena->arrays[array_index].data = (uint32_t *)malloc(size); arena->arrays[array_index].size = size; assert(arena->arrays[array_index].data != NULL); return array_index;} +\ No newline at end of file