
Goofing around with Ebiten
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command.go (19046B)

      1 // Copyright 2016 Hajime Hoshi
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 package graphicscommand
     17 import (
     18 	"fmt"
     19 	"math"
     20 	"strings"
     22 	"github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/internal/affine"
     23 	"github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/internal/debug"
     24 	"github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/internal/driver"
     25 	"github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/internal/graphics"
     26 	"github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/internal/shaderir"
     27 )
     29 var theGraphicsDriver driver.Graphics
     31 func SetGraphicsDriver(driver driver.Graphics) {
     32 	theGraphicsDriver = driver
     33 }
     35 func NeedsRestoring() bool {
     36 	return theGraphicsDriver.NeedsRestoring()
     37 }
     39 // command represents a drawing command.
     40 //
     41 // A command for drawing that is created when Image functions are called like DrawTriangles,
     42 // or Fill.
     43 // A command is not immediately executed after created. Instaed, it is queued after created,
     44 // and executed only when necessary.
     45 type command interface {
     46 	fmt.Stringer
     48 	Exec(indexOffset int) error
     49 }
     51 type size struct {
     52 	width  float32
     53 	height float32
     54 }
     56 // commandQueue is a command queue for drawing commands.
     57 type commandQueue struct {
     58 	// commands is a queue of drawing commands.
     59 	commands []command
     61 	// vertices represents a vertices data in OpenGL's array buffer.
     62 	vertices []float32
     64 	// nvertices represents the current length of vertices.
     65 	// nvertices must <= len(vertices).
     66 	// vertices is never shrunk since re-extending a vertices buffer is heavy.
     67 	//
     68 	// TODO: This is a number of float32 values, not a number of vertices.
     69 	// Rename or fix the program.
     70 	nvertices int
     72 	srcSizes []size
     74 	indices  []uint16
     75 	nindices int
     77 	tmpNumIndices int
     78 	nextIndex     int
     80 	err error
     81 }
     83 // theCommandQueue is the command queue for the current process.
     84 var theCommandQueue = &commandQueue{}
     86 // appendVertices appends vertices to the queue.
     87 func (q *commandQueue) appendVertices(vertices []float32, src *Image) {
     88 	if len(q.vertices) < q.nvertices+len(vertices) {
     89 		n := q.nvertices + len(vertices) - len(q.vertices)
     90 		q.vertices = append(q.vertices, make([]float32, n)...)
     91 		q.srcSizes = append(q.srcSizes, make([]size, n/graphics.VertexFloatNum)...)
     92 	}
     93 	copy(q.vertices[q.nvertices:], vertices)
     95 	n := len(vertices) / graphics.VertexFloatNum
     96 	base := q.nvertices / graphics.VertexFloatNum
     98 	width := float32(1)
     99 	height := float32(1)
    100 	// src is nil when a shader is used and there are no specified images.
    101 	if src != nil {
    102 		w, h := src.InternalSize()
    103 		width = float32(w)
    104 		height = float32(h)
    105 	}
    106 	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
    107 		idx := base + i
    108 		q.srcSizes[idx].width = width
    109 		q.srcSizes[idx].height = height
    110 	}
    111 	q.nvertices += len(vertices)
    112 }
    114 func (q *commandQueue) appendIndices(indices []uint16, offset uint16) {
    115 	if len(q.indices) < q.nindices+len(indices) {
    116 		n := q.nindices + len(indices) - len(q.indices)
    117 		q.indices = append(q.indices, make([]uint16, n)...)
    118 	}
    119 	for i := range indices {
    120 		q.indices[q.nindices+i] = indices[i] + offset
    121 	}
    122 	q.nindices += len(indices)
    123 }
    125 // EnqueueDrawTrianglesCommand enqueues a drawing-image command.
    126 func (q *commandQueue) EnqueueDrawTrianglesCommand(dst *Image, srcs [graphics.ShaderImageNum]*Image, offsets [graphics.ShaderImageNum - 1][2]float32, vertices []float32, indices []uint16, color affine.ColorM, mode driver.CompositeMode, filter driver.Filter, address driver.Address, dstRegion, srcRegion driver.Region, shader *Shader, uniforms []interface{}, evenOdd bool) {
    127 	if len(indices) > graphics.IndicesNum {
    128 		panic(fmt.Sprintf("graphicscommand: len(indices) must be <= graphics.IndicesNum but not at EnqueueDrawTrianglesCommand: len(indices): %d, graphics.IndicesNum: %d", len(indices), graphics.IndicesNum))
    129 	}
    131 	split := false
    132 	if q.tmpNumIndices+len(indices) > graphics.IndicesNum {
    133 		q.tmpNumIndices = 0
    134 		q.nextIndex = 0
    135 		split = true
    136 	}
    138 	// Assume that all the image sizes are same.
    139 	// Assume that the images are packed from the front in the slice srcs.
    140 	q.appendVertices(vertices, srcs[0])
    141 	q.appendIndices(indices, uint16(q.nextIndex))
    142 	q.nextIndex += len(vertices) / graphics.VertexFloatNum
    143 	q.tmpNumIndices += len(indices)
    145 	if srcs[0] != nil {
    146 		w, h := srcs[0].InternalSize()
    147 		srcRegion.X /= float32(w)
    148 		srcRegion.Y /= float32(h)
    149 		srcRegion.Width /= float32(w)
    150 		srcRegion.Height /= float32(h)
    151 		for i := range offsets {
    152 			offsets[i][0] /= float32(w)
    153 			offsets[i][1] /= float32(h)
    154 		}
    155 	}
    157 	// TODO: If dst is the screen, reorder the command to be the last.
    158 	if !split && 0 < len(q.commands) {
    159 		// TODO: Pass offsets and uniforms when merging considers the shader.
    160 		if last, ok := q.commands[len(q.commands)-1].(*drawTrianglesCommand); ok {
    161 			if last.CanMergeWithDrawTrianglesCommand(dst, srcs, vertices, color, mode, filter, address, dstRegion, srcRegion, shader, evenOdd) {
    162 				last.setVertices(q.lastVertices(len(vertices) + last.numVertices()))
    163 				last.addNumIndices(len(indices))
    164 				return
    165 			}
    166 		}
    167 	}
    169 	c := &drawTrianglesCommand{
    170 		dst:       dst,
    171 		srcs:      srcs,
    172 		offsets:   offsets,
    173 		vertices:  q.lastVertices(len(vertices)),
    174 		nindices:  len(indices),
    175 		color:     color,
    176 		mode:      mode,
    177 		filter:    filter,
    178 		address:   address,
    179 		dstRegion: dstRegion,
    180 		srcRegion: srcRegion,
    181 		shader:    shader,
    182 		uniforms:  uniforms,
    183 		evenOdd:   evenOdd,
    184 	}
    185 	q.commands = append(q.commands, c)
    186 }
    188 func (q *commandQueue) lastVertices(n int) []float32 {
    189 	return q.vertices[q.nvertices-n : q.nvertices]
    190 }
    192 // Enqueue enqueues a drawing command other than a draw-triangles command.
    193 //
    194 // For a draw-triangles command, use EnqueueDrawTrianglesCommand.
    195 func (q *commandQueue) Enqueue(command command) {
    196 	// TODO: If dst is the screen, reorder the command to be the last.
    197 	q.commands = append(q.commands, command)
    198 }
    200 // Flush flushes the command queue.
    201 func (q *commandQueue) Flush() error {
    202 	return runOnMainThread(func() error {
    203 		return q.flush()
    204 	})
    205 }
    207 // flush must be called the main thread.
    208 func (q *commandQueue) flush() error {
    209 	if len(q.commands) == 0 {
    210 		return nil
    211 	}
    213 	es := q.indices
    214 	vs := q.vertices
    215 	debug.Logf("Graphics commands:\n")
    217 	if theGraphicsDriver.HasHighPrecisionFloat() {
    218 		n := q.nvertices / graphics.VertexFloatNum
    219 		for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
    220 			s := q.srcSizes[i]
    222 			idx := i * graphics.VertexFloatNum
    224 			// Convert pixels to texels.
    225 			vs[idx+2] /= s.width
    226 			vs[idx+3] /= s.height
    228 			// Avoid the center of the pixel, which is problematic (#929, #1171).
    229 			// Instead, align the vertices with about 1/3 pixels.
    230 			x := vs[idx]
    231 			y := vs[idx+1]
    232 			ix := float32(math.Floor(float64(x)))
    233 			iy := float32(math.Floor(float64(y)))
    234 			fracx := x - ix
    235 			fracy := y - iy
    236 			switch {
    237 			case fracx < 3.0/16.0:
    238 				vs[idx] = ix
    239 			case fracx < 8.0/16.0:
    240 				vs[idx] = ix + 5.0/16.0
    241 			case fracx < 13.0/16.0:
    242 				vs[idx] = ix + 11.0/16.0
    243 			default:
    244 				vs[idx] = ix + 16.0/16.0
    245 			}
    246 			switch {
    247 			case fracy < 3.0/16.0:
    248 				vs[idx+1] = iy
    249 			case fracy < 8.0/16.0:
    250 				vs[idx+1] = iy + 5.0/16.0
    251 			case fracy < 13.0/16.0:
    252 				vs[idx+1] = iy + 11.0/16.0
    253 			default:
    254 				vs[idx+1] = iy + 16.0/16.0
    255 			}
    256 		}
    257 	} else {
    258 		n := q.nvertices / graphics.VertexFloatNum
    259 		for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
    260 			s := q.srcSizes[i]
    262 			// Convert pixels to texels.
    263 			vs[i*graphics.VertexFloatNum+2] /= s.width
    264 			vs[i*graphics.VertexFloatNum+3] /= s.height
    265 		}
    266 	}
    268 	theGraphicsDriver.Begin()
    269 	cs := q.commands
    270 	for len(cs) > 0 {
    271 		nv := 0
    272 		ne := 0
    273 		nc := 0
    274 		for _, c := range cs {
    275 			if dtc, ok := c.(*drawTrianglesCommand); ok {
    276 				if dtc.numIndices() > graphics.IndicesNum {
    277 					panic(fmt.Sprintf("graphicscommand: dtc.NumIndices() must be <= graphics.IndicesNum but not at Flush: dtc.NumIndices(): %d, graphics.IndicesNum: %d", dtc.numIndices(), graphics.IndicesNum))
    278 				}
    279 				if ne+dtc.numIndices() > graphics.IndicesNum {
    280 					break
    281 				}
    282 				nv += dtc.numVertices()
    283 				ne += dtc.numIndices()
    284 			}
    285 			nc++
    286 		}
    287 		if 0 < ne {
    288 			theGraphicsDriver.SetVertices(vs[:nv], es[:ne])
    289 			es = es[ne:]
    290 			vs = vs[nv:]
    291 		}
    292 		indexOffset := 0
    293 		for _, c := range cs[:nc] {
    294 			if err := c.Exec(indexOffset); err != nil {
    295 				return err
    296 			}
    297 			debug.Logf("  %s\n", c)
    298 			// TODO: indexOffset should be reset if the command type is different
    299 			// from the previous one. This fix is needed when another drawing command is
    300 			// introduced than drawTrianglesCommand.
    301 			if dtc, ok := c.(*drawTrianglesCommand); ok {
    302 				indexOffset += dtc.numIndices()
    303 			}
    304 		}
    305 		cs = cs[nc:]
    306 	}
    307 	theGraphicsDriver.End()
    309 	// Release the commands explicitly (#1803).
    310 	// Apparently, the part of a slice between len and cap-1 still holds references.
    311 	// Then, resetting the length by [:0] doesn't release the references.
    312 	for i := range q.commands {
    313 		q.commands[i] = nil
    314 	}
    315 	q.commands = q.commands[:0]
    316 	q.nvertices = 0
    317 	q.nindices = 0
    318 	q.tmpNumIndices = 0
    319 	q.nextIndex = 0
    320 	return nil
    321 }
    323 // FlushCommands flushes the command queue.
    324 func FlushCommands() error {
    325 	return theCommandQueue.Flush()
    326 }
    328 // drawTrianglesCommand represents a drawing command to draw an image on another image.
    329 type drawTrianglesCommand struct {
    330 	dst       *Image
    331 	srcs      [graphics.ShaderImageNum]*Image
    332 	offsets   [graphics.ShaderImageNum - 1][2]float32
    333 	vertices  []float32
    334 	nindices  int
    335 	color     affine.ColorM
    336 	mode      driver.CompositeMode
    337 	filter    driver.Filter
    338 	address   driver.Address
    339 	dstRegion driver.Region
    340 	srcRegion driver.Region
    341 	shader    *Shader
    342 	uniforms  []interface{}
    343 	evenOdd   bool
    344 }
    346 func (c *drawTrianglesCommand) String() string {
    347 	mode := ""
    348 	switch c.mode {
    349 	case driver.CompositeModeSourceOver:
    350 		mode = "source-over"
    351 	case driver.CompositeModeClear:
    352 		mode = "clear"
    353 	case driver.CompositeModeCopy:
    354 		mode = "copy"
    355 	case driver.CompositeModeDestination:
    356 		mode = "destination"
    357 	case driver.CompositeModeDestinationOver:
    358 		mode = "destination-over"
    359 	case driver.CompositeModeSourceIn:
    360 		mode = "source-in"
    361 	case driver.CompositeModeDestinationIn:
    362 		mode = "destination-in"
    363 	case driver.CompositeModeSourceOut:
    364 		mode = "source-out"
    365 	case driver.CompositeModeDestinationOut:
    366 		mode = "destination-out"
    367 	case driver.CompositeModeSourceAtop:
    368 		mode = "source-atop"
    369 	case driver.CompositeModeDestinationAtop:
    370 		mode = "destination-atop"
    371 	case driver.CompositeModeXor:
    372 		mode = "xor"
    373 	case driver.CompositeModeLighter:
    374 		mode = "lighter"
    375 	case driver.CompositeModeMultiply:
    376 		mode = "multiply"
    377 	default:
    378 		panic(fmt.Sprintf("graphicscommand: invalid composite mode: %d", c.mode))
    379 	}
    381 	dst := fmt.Sprintf("%d", c.dst.id)
    382 	if c.dst.screen {
    383 		dst += " (screen)"
    384 	}
    386 	if c.shader != nil {
    387 		return fmt.Sprintf("draw-triangles: dst: %s, shader, num of indices: %d, mode %s", dst, c.nindices, mode)
    388 	}
    390 	filter := ""
    391 	switch c.filter {
    392 	case driver.FilterNearest:
    393 		filter = "nearest"
    394 	case driver.FilterLinear:
    395 		filter = "linear"
    396 	case driver.FilterScreen:
    397 		filter = "screen"
    398 	default:
    399 		panic(fmt.Sprintf("graphicscommand: invalid filter: %d", c.filter))
    400 	}
    402 	address := ""
    403 	switch c.address {
    404 	case driver.AddressClampToZero:
    405 		address = "clamp_to_zero"
    406 	case driver.AddressRepeat:
    407 		address = "repeat"
    408 	case driver.AddressUnsafe:
    409 		address = "unsafe"
    410 	default:
    411 		panic(fmt.Sprintf("graphicscommand: invalid address: %d", c.address))
    412 	}
    414 	var srcstrs [graphics.ShaderImageNum]string
    415 	for i, src := range c.srcs {
    416 		if src == nil {
    417 			srcstrs[i] = "(nil)"
    418 			continue
    419 		}
    420 		srcstrs[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", src.id)
    421 		if src.screen {
    422 			srcstrs[i] += " (screen)"
    423 		}
    424 	}
    426 	r := fmt.Sprintf("(x:%d, y:%d, width:%d, height:%d)",
    427 		int(c.dstRegion.X), int(c.dstRegion.Y), int(c.dstRegion.Width), int(c.dstRegion.Height))
    428 	return fmt.Sprintf("draw-triangles: dst: %s <- src: [%s], dst region: %s, num of indices: %d, colorm: %v, mode: %s, filter: %s, address: %s, even-odd: %t", dst, strings.Join(srcstrs[:], ", "), r, c.nindices, c.color, mode, filter, address, c.evenOdd)
    429 }
    431 // Exec executes the drawTrianglesCommand.
    432 func (c *drawTrianglesCommand) Exec(indexOffset int) error {
    433 	// TODO: Is it ok not to bind any framebuffer here?
    434 	if c.nindices == 0 {
    435 		return nil
    436 	}
    438 	var shaderID driver.ShaderID = driver.InvalidShaderID
    439 	var imgs [graphics.ShaderImageNum]driver.ImageID
    440 	if c.shader != nil {
    441 		shaderID = c.shader.shader.ID()
    442 		for i, src := range c.srcs {
    443 			if src == nil {
    444 				imgs[i] = driver.InvalidImageID
    445 				continue
    446 			}
    447 			imgs[i] = src.image.ID()
    448 		}
    449 	} else {
    450 		imgs[0] = c.srcs[0].image.ID()
    451 	}
    453 	return theGraphicsDriver.DrawTriangles(c.dst.image.ID(), imgs, c.offsets, shaderID, c.nindices, indexOffset, c.mode, c.color, c.filter, c.address, c.dstRegion, c.srcRegion, c.uniforms, c.evenOdd)
    454 }
    456 func (c *drawTrianglesCommand) numVertices() int {
    457 	return len(c.vertices)
    458 }
    460 func (c *drawTrianglesCommand) numIndices() int {
    461 	return c.nindices
    462 }
    464 func (c *drawTrianglesCommand) setVertices(vertices []float32) {
    465 	c.vertices = vertices
    466 }
    468 func (c *drawTrianglesCommand) addNumIndices(n int) {
    469 	c.nindices += n
    470 }
    472 // CanMergeWithDrawTrianglesCommand returns a boolean value indicating whether the other drawTrianglesCommand can be merged
    473 // with the drawTrianglesCommand c.
    474 func (c *drawTrianglesCommand) CanMergeWithDrawTrianglesCommand(dst *Image, srcs [graphics.ShaderImageNum]*Image, vertices []float32, color affine.ColorM, mode driver.CompositeMode, filter driver.Filter, address driver.Address, dstRegion, srcRegion driver.Region, shader *Shader, evenOdd bool) bool {
    475 	// If a shader is used, commands are not merged.
    476 	//
    477 	// TODO: Merge shader commands considering uniform variables.
    478 	if c.shader != nil || shader != nil {
    479 		return false
    480 	}
    481 	if c.dst != dst {
    482 		return false
    483 	}
    484 	if c.srcs != srcs {
    485 		return false
    486 	}
    487 	if !c.color.Equals(color) {
    488 		return false
    489 	}
    490 	if c.mode != mode {
    491 		return false
    492 	}
    493 	if c.filter != filter {
    494 		return false
    495 	}
    496 	if c.address != address {
    497 		return false
    498 	}
    499 	if c.dstRegion != dstRegion {
    500 		return false
    501 	}
    502 	if c.srcRegion != srcRegion {
    503 		return false
    504 	}
    505 	if c.evenOdd || evenOdd {
    506 		if c.evenOdd && evenOdd {
    507 			return !mightOverlapDstRegions(c.vertices, vertices)
    508 		}
    509 		return false
    510 	}
    511 	return true
    512 }
    514 var (
    515 	posInf32 = float32(math.Inf(1))
    516 	negInf32 = float32(math.Inf(-1))
    517 )
    519 func dstRegionFromVertices(vertices []float32) (minX, minY, maxX, maxY float32) {
    520 	minX = posInf32
    521 	minY = posInf32
    522 	maxX = negInf32
    523 	maxY = negInf32
    525 	for i := 0; i < len(vertices)/graphics.VertexFloatNum; i++ {
    526 		x := vertices[graphics.VertexFloatNum*i]
    527 		y := vertices[graphics.VertexFloatNum*i+1]
    528 		if x < minX {
    529 			minX = x
    530 		}
    531 		if y < minY {
    532 			minY = y
    533 		}
    534 		if maxX < x {
    535 			maxX = x
    536 		}
    537 		if maxY < y {
    538 			maxY = y
    539 		}
    540 	}
    541 	return
    542 }
    544 func mightOverlapDstRegions(vertices1, vertices2 []float32) bool {
    545 	minX1, minY1, maxX1, maxY1 := dstRegionFromVertices(vertices1)
    546 	minX2, minY2, maxX2, maxY2 := dstRegionFromVertices(vertices2)
    547 	const mergin = 1
    548 	return minX1 < maxX2+mergin && minX2 < maxX1+mergin && minY1 < maxY2+mergin && minY2 < maxY1+mergin
    549 }
    551 // replacePixelsCommand represents a command to replace pixels of an image.
    552 type replacePixelsCommand struct {
    553 	dst  *Image
    554 	args []*driver.ReplacePixelsArgs
    555 }
    557 func (c *replacePixelsCommand) String() string {
    558 	return fmt.Sprintf("replace-pixels: dst: %d, len(args): %d", c.dst.id, len(c.args))
    559 }
    561 // Exec executes the replacePixelsCommand.
    562 func (c *replacePixelsCommand) Exec(indexOffset int) error {
    563 	c.dst.image.ReplacePixels(c.args)
    564 	return nil
    565 }
    567 type pixelsCommand struct {
    568 	result []byte
    569 	img    *Image
    570 }
    572 // Exec executes a pixelsCommand.
    573 func (c *pixelsCommand) Exec(indexOffset int) error {
    574 	p, err := c.img.image.Pixels()
    575 	if err != nil {
    576 		return err
    577 	}
    578 	c.result = p
    579 	return nil
    580 }
    582 func (c *pixelsCommand) String() string {
    583 	return fmt.Sprintf("pixels: image: %d", c.img.id)
    584 }
    586 // disposeImageCommand represents a command to dispose an image.
    587 type disposeImageCommand struct {
    588 	target *Image
    589 }
    591 func (c *disposeImageCommand) String() string {
    592 	return fmt.Sprintf("dispose-image: target: %d", c.target.id)
    593 }
    595 // Exec executes the disposeImageCommand.
    596 func (c *disposeImageCommand) Exec(indexOffset int) error {
    597 	c.target.image.Dispose()
    598 	return nil
    599 }
    601 // disposeShaderCommand represents a command to dispose a shader.
    602 type disposeShaderCommand struct {
    603 	target *Shader
    604 }
    606 func (c *disposeShaderCommand) String() string {
    607 	return fmt.Sprintf("dispose-shader: target")
    608 }
    610 // Exec executes the disposeShaderCommand.
    611 func (c *disposeShaderCommand) Exec(indexOffset int) error {
    612 	c.target.shader.Dispose()
    613 	return nil
    614 }
    616 // newImageCommand represents a command to create an empty image with given width and height.
    617 type newImageCommand struct {
    618 	result *Image
    619 	width  int
    620 	height int
    621 }
    623 func (c *newImageCommand) String() string {
    624 	return fmt.Sprintf("new-image: result: %d, width: %d, height: %d", c.result.id, c.width, c.height)
    625 }
    627 // Exec executes a newImageCommand.
    628 func (c *newImageCommand) Exec(indexOffset int) error {
    629 	i, err := theGraphicsDriver.NewImage(c.width, c.height)
    630 	if err != nil {
    631 		return err
    632 	}
    633 	c.result.image = i
    634 	return nil
    635 }
    637 // newScreenFramebufferImageCommand is a command to create a special image for the screen.
    638 type newScreenFramebufferImageCommand struct {
    639 	result *Image
    640 	width  int
    641 	height int
    642 }
    644 func (c *newScreenFramebufferImageCommand) String() string {
    645 	return fmt.Sprintf("new-screen-framebuffer-image: result: %d, width: %d, height: %d", c.result.id, c.width, c.height)
    646 }
    648 // Exec executes a newScreenFramebufferImageCommand.
    649 func (c *newScreenFramebufferImageCommand) Exec(indexOffset int) error {
    650 	var err error
    651 	c.result.image, err = theGraphicsDriver.NewScreenFramebufferImage(c.width, c.height)
    652 	return err
    653 }
    655 // newShaderCommand is a command to create a shader.
    656 type newShaderCommand struct {
    657 	result *Shader
    658 	ir     *shaderir.Program
    659 }
    661 func (c *newShaderCommand) String() string {
    662 	return fmt.Sprintf("new-shader")
    663 }
    665 // Exec executes a newShaderCommand.
    666 func (c *newShaderCommand) Exec(indexOffset int) error {
    667 	var err error
    668 	c.result.shader, err = theGraphicsDriver.NewShader(c.ir)
    669 	return err
    670 }
    672 // InitializeGraphicsDriverState initialize the current graphics driver state.
    673 func InitializeGraphicsDriverState() error {
    674 	return runOnMainThread(func() error {
    675 		return theGraphicsDriver.Initialize()
    676 	})
    677 }
    679 // ResetGraphicsDriverState resets the current graphics driver state.
    680 // If the graphics driver doesn't have an API to reset, ResetGraphicsDriverState does nothing.
    681 func ResetGraphicsDriverState() error {
    682 	if r, ok := theGraphicsDriver.(interface{ Reset() error }); ok {
    683 		return runOnMainThread(func() error {
    684 			return r.Reset()
    685 		})
    686 	}
    687 	return nil
    688 }
    690 // MaxImageSize returns the maximum size of an image.
    691 func MaxImageSize() int {
    692 	var size int
    693 	_ = runOnMainThread(func() error {
    694 		size = theGraphicsDriver.MaxImageSize()
    695 		return nil
    696 	})
    697 	return size
    698 }