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monitor.go (8457B)

      1 package glfw
      3 //#define GLFW_INCLUDE_NONE
      4 //#include "glfw/include/GLFW/glfw3.h"
      5 //GLFWmonitor* GetMonitorAtIndex(GLFWmonitor **monitors, int index);
      6 //GLFWvidmode GetVidmodeAtIndex(GLFWvidmode *vidmodes, int index);
      7 //void glfwSetMonitorCallbackCB();
      8 //unsigned int GetGammaAtIndex(unsigned short *color, int i);
      9 //void SetGammaAtIndex(unsigned short *color, int i, unsigned short value);
     10 import "C"
     12 import (
     13 	"unsafe"
     14 )
     16 // Monitor represents a monitor.
     17 type Monitor struct {
     18 	data *C.GLFWmonitor
     19 }
     21 // PeripheralEvent corresponds to a peripheral(Monitor or Joystick)
     22 // configuration event.
     23 type PeripheralEvent int
     25 // GammaRamp describes the gamma ramp for a monitor.
     26 type GammaRamp struct {
     27 	Red   []uint16 // A slice of value describing the response of the red channel.
     28 	Green []uint16 // A slice of value describing the response of the green channel.
     29 	Blue  []uint16 // A slice of value describing the response of the blue channel.
     30 }
     32 // PeripheralEvent events.
     33 const (
     34 	Connected    PeripheralEvent = C.GLFW_CONNECTED
     35 	Disconnected PeripheralEvent = C.GLFW_DISCONNECTED
     36 )
     38 // VidMode describes a single video mode.
     39 type VidMode struct {
     40 	Width       int // The width, in pixels, of the video mode.
     41 	Height      int // The height, in pixels, of the video mode.
     42 	RedBits     int // The bit depth of the red channel of the video mode.
     43 	GreenBits   int // The bit depth of the green channel of the video mode.
     44 	BlueBits    int // The bit depth of the blue channel of the video mode.
     45 	RefreshRate int // The refresh rate, in Hz, of the video mode.
     46 }
     48 var fMonitorHolder func(monitor *Monitor, event PeripheralEvent)
     50 //export goMonitorCB
     51 func goMonitorCB(monitor unsafe.Pointer, event C.int) {
     52 	fMonitorHolder(&Monitor{(*C.GLFWmonitor)(monitor)}, PeripheralEvent(event))
     53 }
     55 // GetMonitors returns a slice of handles for all currently connected monitors.
     56 func GetMonitors() []*Monitor {
     57 	var length int
     59 	mC := C.glfwGetMonitors((*C.int)(unsafe.Pointer(&length)))
     60 	panicError()
     61 	if mC == nil {
     62 		return nil
     63 	}
     65 	m := make([]*Monitor, length)
     67 	for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
     68 		m[i] = &Monitor{C.GetMonitorAtIndex(mC, C.int(i))}
     69 	}
     71 	return m
     72 }
     74 // GetPrimaryMonitor returns the primary monitor. This is usually the monitor
     75 // where elements like the Windows task bar or the OS X menu bar is located.
     76 func GetPrimaryMonitor() *Monitor {
     77 	m := C.glfwGetPrimaryMonitor()
     78 	panicError()
     79 	if m == nil {
     80 		return nil
     81 	}
     82 	return &Monitor{m}
     83 }
     85 // GetPos returns the position, in screen coordinates, of the upper-left
     86 // corner of the monitor.
     87 func (m *Monitor) GetPos() (x, y int) {
     88 	var xpos, ypos C.int
     89 	C.glfwGetMonitorPos(m.data, &xpos, &ypos)
     90 	panicError()
     91 	return int(xpos), int(ypos)
     92 }
     94 // GetWorkarea returns the position, in screen coordinates, of the upper-left
     95 // corner of the work area of the specified monitor along with the work area
     96 // size in screen coordinates. The work area is defined as the area of the
     97 // monitor not occluded by the operating system task bar where present. If no
     98 // task bar exists then the work area is the monitor resolution in screen
     99 // coordinates.
    100 //
    101 // This function must only be called from the main thread.
    102 func (m *Monitor) GetWorkarea() (x, y, width, height int) {
    103 	var cX, cY, cWidth, cHeight C.int
    104 	C.glfwGetMonitorWorkarea(m.data, &cX, &cY, &cWidth, &cHeight)
    105 	x, y, width, height = int(cX), int(cY), int(cWidth), int(cHeight)
    106 	return
    107 }
    109 // GetContentScale function retrieves the content scale for the specified monitor.
    110 // The content scale is the ratio between the current DPI and the platform's
    111 // default DPI. If you scale all pixel dimensions by this scale then your content
    112 // should appear at an appropriate size. This is especially important for text
    113 // and any UI elements.
    114 //
    115 // This function must only be called from the main thread.
    116 func (m *Monitor) GetContentScale() (float32, float32) {
    117 	var x, y C.float
    118 	C.glfwGetMonitorContentScale(m.data, &x, &y)
    119 	return float32(x), float32(y)
    120 }
    122 // SetUserPointer sets the user-defined pointer of the monitor. The current value
    123 // is retained until the monitor is disconnected. The initial value is nil.
    124 //
    125 // This function may be called from the monitor callback, even for a monitor
    126 // that is being disconnected.
    127 //
    128 // This function may be called from any thread. Access is not synchronized.
    129 func (m *Monitor) SetUserPointer(pointer unsafe.Pointer) {
    130 	C.glfwSetMonitorUserPointer(m.data, pointer)
    131 }
    133 // GetUserPointer returns the current value of the user-defined pointer of the
    134 // monitor. The initial value is nil.
    135 //
    136 // This function may be called from the monitor callback, even for a monitor
    137 // that is being disconnected.
    138 //
    139 // This function may be called from any thread. Access is not synchronized.
    140 func (m *Monitor) GetUserPointer() unsafe.Pointer {
    141 	return C.glfwGetMonitorUserPointer(m.data)
    142 }
    144 // GetPhysicalSize returns the size, in millimetres, of the display area of the
    145 // monitor.
    146 //
    147 // Note: Some operating systems do not provide accurate information, either
    148 // because the monitor's EDID data is incorrect, or because the driver does not
    149 // report it accurately.
    150 func (m *Monitor) GetPhysicalSize() (width, height int) {
    151 	var wi, h C.int
    152 	C.glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize(m.data, &wi, &h)
    153 	panicError()
    154 	return int(wi), int(h)
    155 }
    157 // GetName returns a human-readable name of the monitor, encoded as UTF-8.
    158 func (m *Monitor) GetName() string {
    159 	mn := C.glfwGetMonitorName(m.data)
    160 	panicError()
    161 	if mn == nil {
    162 		return ""
    163 	}
    164 	return C.GoString(mn)
    165 }
    167 // MonitorCallback is the signature for monitor configuration callback
    168 // functions.
    169 type MonitorCallback func(monitor *Monitor, event PeripheralEvent)
    171 // SetMonitorCallback sets the monitor configuration callback, or removes the
    172 // currently set callback. This is called when a monitor is connected to or
    173 // disconnected from the system.
    174 //
    175 // This function must only be called from the main thread.
    176 func SetMonitorCallback(cbfun MonitorCallback) MonitorCallback {
    177 	previous := fMonitorHolder
    178 	fMonitorHolder = cbfun
    179 	if cbfun == nil {
    180 		C.glfwSetMonitorCallback(nil)
    181 	} else {
    182 		C.glfwSetMonitorCallbackCB()
    183 	}
    184 	return previous
    185 }
    187 // GetVideoModes returns an array of all video modes supported by the monitor.
    188 // The returned array is sorted in ascending order, first by color bit depth
    189 // (the sum of all channel depths) and then by resolution area (the product of
    190 // width and height).
    191 func (m *Monitor) GetVideoModes() []*VidMode {
    192 	var length int
    194 	vC := C.glfwGetVideoModes(m.data, (*C.int)(unsafe.Pointer(&length)))
    195 	panicError()
    196 	if vC == nil {
    197 		return nil
    198 	}
    200 	v := make([]*VidMode, length)
    202 	for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
    203 		t := C.GetVidmodeAtIndex(vC, C.int(i))
    204 		v[i] = &VidMode{int(t.width), int(t.height), int(t.redBits), int(t.greenBits), int(t.blueBits), int(t.refreshRate)}
    205 	}
    207 	return v
    208 }
    210 // GetVideoMode returns the current video mode of the monitor. If you
    211 // are using a full screen window, the return value will therefore depend on
    212 // whether it is focused.
    213 func (m *Monitor) GetVideoMode() *VidMode {
    214 	t := C.glfwGetVideoMode(m.data)
    215 	if t == nil {
    216 		return nil
    217 	}
    218 	panicError()
    219 	return &VidMode{int(t.width), int(t.height), int(t.redBits), int(t.greenBits), int(t.blueBits), int(t.refreshRate)}
    220 }
    222 // SetGamma generates a 256-element gamma ramp from the specified exponent and then calls
    223 // SetGamma with it.
    224 func (m *Monitor) SetGamma(gamma float32) {
    225 	C.glfwSetGamma(m.data, C.float(gamma))
    226 	panicError()
    227 }
    229 // GetGammaRamp retrieves the current gamma ramp of the monitor.
    230 func (m *Monitor) GetGammaRamp() *GammaRamp {
    231 	var ramp GammaRamp
    233 	rampC := C.glfwGetGammaRamp(m.data)
    234 	panicError()
    235 	if rampC == nil {
    236 		return nil
    237 	}
    239 	length := int(rampC.size)
    240 	ramp.Red = make([]uint16, length)
    241 	ramp.Green = make([]uint16, length)
    242 	ramp.Blue = make([]uint16, length)
    244 	for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
    245 		ramp.Red[i] = uint16(C.GetGammaAtIndex(rampC.red, C.int(i)))
    246 		ramp.Green[i] = uint16(C.GetGammaAtIndex(rampC.green, C.int(i)))
    247 		ramp.Blue[i] = uint16(C.GetGammaAtIndex(rampC.blue, C.int(i)))
    248 	}
    250 	return &ramp
    251 }
    253 // SetGammaRamp sets the current gamma ramp for the monitor.
    254 func (m *Monitor) SetGammaRamp(ramp *GammaRamp) {
    255 	var rampC C.GLFWgammaramp
    257 	length := len(ramp.Red)
    259 	for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
    260 		C.SetGammaAtIndex(rampC.red, C.int(i), C.ushort(ramp.Red[i]))
    261 		C.SetGammaAtIndex(rampC.green, C.int(i), C.ushort(ramp.Green[i]))
    262 		C.SetGammaAtIndex(rampC.blue, C.int(i), C.ushort(ramp.Blue[i]))
    263 	}
    265 	C.glfwSetGammaRamp(m.data, &rampC)
    266 	panicError()
    267 }