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error.go (6582B)

      1 package glfw
      3 //#define GLFW_INCLUDE_NONE
      4 //#include "glfw/include/GLFW/glfw3.h"
      5 //void glfwSetErrorCallbackCB();
      6 import "C"
      8 import (
      9 	"fmt"
     10 	"log"
     11 )
     13 // ErrorCode corresponds to an error code.
     14 type ErrorCode int
     16 // Error codes that are translated to panics and the programmer should not
     17 // expect to handle.
     18 const (
     19 	notInitialized   ErrorCode = C.GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED    // GLFW has not been initialized.
     20 	noCurrentContext ErrorCode = C.GLFW_NO_CURRENT_CONTEXT // No context is current.
     21 	invalidEnum      ErrorCode = C.GLFW_INVALID_ENUM       // One of the enum parameters for the function was given an invalid enum.
     22 	invalidValue     ErrorCode = C.GLFW_INVALID_VALUE      // One of the parameters for the function was given an invalid value.
     23 	outOfMemory      ErrorCode = C.GLFW_OUT_OF_MEMORY      // A memory allocation failed.
     24 	platformError    ErrorCode = C.GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR     // A platform-specific error occurred that does not match any of the more specific categories.
     25 )
     27 const (
     28 	// APIUnavailable is the error code used when GLFW could not find support
     29 	// for the requested client API on the system.
     30 	//
     31 	// The installed graphics driver does not support the requested client API,
     32 	// or does not support it via the chosen context creation backend. Below
     33 	// are a few examples.
     34 	//
     35 	// Some pre-installed Windows graphics drivers do not support OpenGL. AMD
     36 	// only supports OpenGL ES via EGL, while Nvidia and Intel only supports it
     37 	// via a WGL or GLX extension. OS X does not provide OpenGL ES at all. The
     38 	// Mesa EGL, OpenGL and OpenGL ES libraries do not interface with the
     39 	// Nvidia binary driver.
     40 	APIUnavailable ErrorCode = C.GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE
     42 	// VersionUnavailable is the error code used when the requested OpenGL or
     43 	// OpenGL ES (including any requested profile or context option) is not
     44 	// available on this machine.
     45 	//
     46 	// The machine does not support your requirements. If your application is
     47 	// sufficiently flexible, downgrade your requirements and try again.
     48 	// Otherwise, inform the user that their machine does not match your
     49 	// requirements.
     50 	//
     51 	// Future invalid OpenGL and OpenGL ES versions, for example OpenGL 4.8 if
     52 	// 5.0 comes out before the 4.x series gets that far, also fail with this
     53 	// error and not GLFW_INVALID_VALUE, because GLFW cannot know what future
     54 	// versions will exist.
     55 	VersionUnavailable ErrorCode = C.GLFW_VERSION_UNAVAILABLE
     57 	// FormatUnavailable is the error code used for both window creation and
     58 	// clipboard querying format errors.
     59 	//
     60 	// If emitted during window creation, the requested pixel format is not
     61 	// supported. This means one or more hard constraints did not match any of
     62 	// the available pixel formats. If your application is sufficiently
     63 	// flexible, downgrade your requirements and try again. Otherwise, inform
     64 	// the user that their machine does not match your requirements.
     65 	//
     66 	// If emitted when querying the clipboard, the contents of the clipboard
     67 	// could not be converted to the requested format. You should ignore the
     68 	// error or report it to the user, as appropriate.
     69 	FormatUnavailable ErrorCode = C.GLFW_FORMAT_UNAVAILABLE
     70 )
     72 func (e ErrorCode) String() string {
     73 	switch e {
     74 	case notInitialized:
     75 		return "NotInitialized"
     76 	case noCurrentContext:
     77 		return "NoCurrentContext"
     78 	case invalidEnum:
     79 		return "InvalidEnum"
     80 	case invalidValue:
     81 		return "InvalidValue"
     82 	case outOfMemory:
     83 		return "OutOfMemory"
     84 	case platformError:
     85 		return "PlatformError"
     86 	case APIUnavailable:
     87 		return "APIUnavailable"
     88 	case VersionUnavailable:
     89 		return "VersionUnavailable"
     90 	case FormatUnavailable:
     91 		return "FormatUnavailable"
     92 	default:
     93 		return fmt.Sprintf("ErrorCode(%d)", e)
     94 	}
     95 }
     97 // Error holds error code and description.
     98 type Error struct {
     99 	Code ErrorCode
    100 	Desc string
    101 }
    103 // Error prints the error code and description in a readable format.
    104 func (e *Error) Error() string {
    105 	return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", e.Code.String(), e.Desc)
    106 }
    108 // Note: There are many cryptic caveats to proper error handling here.
    109 // See: https://github.com/go-gl/glfw3/pull/86
    111 // Holds the value of the last error.
    112 var lastError = make(chan *Error, 1)
    114 //export goErrorCB
    115 func goErrorCB(code C.int, desc *C.char) {
    116 	flushErrors()
    117 	err := &Error{ErrorCode(code), C.GoString(desc)}
    118 	select {
    119 	case lastError <- err:
    120 	default:
    121 		fmt.Println("GLFW: An uncaught error has occurred:", err)
    122 		fmt.Println("GLFW: Please report this bug in the Go package immediately.")
    123 	}
    124 }
    126 // Set the glfw callback internally
    127 func init() {
    128 	C.glfwSetErrorCallbackCB()
    129 }
    131 // flushErrors is called by Terminate before it actually calls C.glfwTerminate,
    132 // this ensures that any uncaught errors buffered in lastError are printed
    133 // before the program exits.
    134 func flushErrors() {
    135 	err := fetchError()
    136 	if err != nil {
    137 		fmt.Println("GLFW: An uncaught error has occurred:", err)
    138 		fmt.Println("GLFW: Please report this bug in the Go package immediately.")
    139 	}
    140 }
    142 // acceptError fetches the next error from the error channel, it accepts only
    143 // errors with one of the given error codes. If any other error is encountered,
    144 // a panic will occur.
    145 //
    146 // Platform errors are always printed, for information why please see:
    147 //
    148 //  https://github.com/go-gl/glfw/issues/127
    149 //
    150 func acceptError(codes ...ErrorCode) error {
    151 	// Grab the next error, if there is one.
    152 	err := fetchError()
    153 	if err == nil {
    154 		return nil
    155 	}
    157 	// Only if the error has the specific error code accepted by the caller, do
    158 	// we return the error.
    159 	for _, code := range codes {
    160 		if err.Code == code {
    161 			return err
    162 		}
    163 	}
    165 	// The error isn't accepted by the caller. If the error code is not a code
    166 	// defined in the GLFW C documentation as a programmer error, then the
    167 	// caller should have accepted it. This is effectively a bug in this
    168 	// package.
    169 	switch err.Code {
    170 	case platformError:
    171 		log.Println(err)
    172 		return nil
    173 	case notInitialized, noCurrentContext, invalidEnum, invalidValue, outOfMemory:
    174 		panic(err)
    175 	default:
    176 		fmt.Println("GLFW: An invalid error was not accepted by the caller:", err)
    177 		fmt.Println("GLFW: Please report this bug in the Go package immediately.")
    178 		panic(err)
    179 	}
    180 }
    182 // panicError is a helper used by functions which expect no errors (except
    183 // programmer errors) to occur. It will panic if it finds any such error.
    184 func panicError() {
    185 	err := acceptError()
    186 	if err != nil {
    187 		panic(err)
    188 	}
    189 }
    191 // fetchError fetches the next error from the error channel, it does not block
    192 // and returns nil if there is no error present.
    193 func fetchError() *Error {
    194 	select {
    195 	case err := <-lastError:
    196 		return err
    197 	default:
    198 		return nil
    199 	}
    200 }