
Goofing around with Ebiten
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time.go (1299B)

      1 package glfw
      3 //#define GLFW_INCLUDE_NONE
      4 //#include "glfw/include/GLFW/glfw3.h"
      5 import "C"
      7 // GetTime returns the value of the GLFW timer. Unless the timer has been set
      8 // using SetTime, the timer measures time elapsed since GLFW was initialized.
      9 //
     10 // The resolution of the timer is system dependent, but is usually on the order
     11 // of a few micro- or nanoseconds. It uses the highest-resolution monotonic time
     12 // source on each supported platform.
     13 func GetTime() float64 {
     14 	ret := float64(C.glfwGetTime())
     15 	panicError()
     16 	return ret
     17 }
     19 // SetTime sets the value of the GLFW timer. It then continues to count up from
     20 // that value.
     21 //
     22 // The resolution of the timer is system dependent, but is usually on the order
     23 // of a few micro- or nanoseconds. It uses the highest-resolution monotonic time
     24 // source on each supported platform.
     25 func SetTime(time float64) {
     26 	C.glfwSetTime(C.double(time))
     27 	panicError()
     28 }
     30 // GetTimerFrequency returns frequency of the timer, in Hz, or zero if an error occurred.
     31 func GetTimerFrequency() uint64 {
     32 	ret := uint64(C.glfwGetTimerFrequency())
     33 	panicError()
     34 	return ret
     35 }
     37 // GetTimerValue returns the current value of the raw timer, measured in 1 / frequency seconds.
     38 func GetTimerValue() uint64 {
     39 	ret := uint64(C.glfwGetTimerValue())
     40 	panicError()
     41 	return ret
     42 }