readme.txt (689B)
1 Simple bot for logging messages from public channels that it have been added to and private ones. 2 3 How to run? 4 5 There is a special bot @BotFather in Telegram - message /newbot to it and follow instructions. It will provide a oken for the bot - put it inside the config.ini file so it looks like: 6 token = 123123:bunchofletters 7 8 Then you have to permit your bot to access messages in public channels - send @BotFather the command /setprivacy and choose "Disable" after a selector appears. 9 10 Bot can be added to public chats afterwards. 11 12 Logs are being written into the "logs" folder placed the same directory where your bot executable is. Folder structure is "channel/year/month/day/log.txt"